Saturday 29 April 2017

TechnologyHUB - 3 Days Recap

The TechnologyHUB in Milan is closed, so we can make a summary of 3 days spent in this fair.
We want to leave some comment about the TechnologyHUB in Milan, to report some interesting information about the exhibitors, the conferences and the events day by day.

We made and published on our channel several videos in Italian, because as you can expected, Milan is in Italy and all speakers has specked in Italian. It would be too long to translate all the conferences and events, so to help you to understand the facts and to add some comment, you can read the description in this article. If you have some more question, please refer to the comments below.

In the First Day, we have appreciated the speech of the lawyer Marco Giacomello and his coworker Maria Livia Rizzo about the 3D Printing and Bioprinting - Rights and Rules.

In syntesis, to this day is possible to made a biological part with 3D printing, throught the insertion of cellulars or stem cells in a suitable substrate to grow human parts, to modify these parts or improve them or to develop more efficient parts, an example can be the military defence. There is so much things to take in consideration, in particular the rights and the rules of your country. In the discussion, about the rights, the Dr. Giacomello gives us an off-topic example about the STL files. Over internet you can find several STL files with different copyrights, infact every STL can have a particular copyright with restrictive usage rules, so even if you print the object in a FabLab, you can get in a copyright strike without know it. It's very important to know that every creation, even if only a STL, can be under copyright. So pay attention to what you are going to print, because you can commit a violation without know it!

In the speech of 3DZ Direct Metal 3D Printing by Cristian Parmeggiani, we saw how to print complex metal objects for a number of industries, such as automotive, aeronautics or aerospace.
New promoted printers, such as 3D Systems and HP, the latest makes his way into 3D printing with its Multi Jet Fusion DMLS (Direct metal laser sintering) printers. The new feature of 3D Systems printers is the Patented Powder Layering System, with which the metal wiper lays the powder bed and the special roller compacts the metal powder to the desired layer with the thin layer and the desiderated density on return.
The speech continues with the various metal powders that can be used with the printer, including Titanium aluminum - TiAl used in the aerospace.

The tutorial about Rhinoceros for 3D Printing parts Design by Riccardo Gatti explain how to use Rhinoceros 3D in a particular case of study. In this case Gatti shows who the right modelling in 3D printing can be influenced from the application and the mesh can be adapted in view of final target for which the object have to be used.

In the speechs of composite materials Carbon Fiber by Crivelli Visconti and Tools for Carbon Fiber production by Energy Group, we saw an introdution to the carbon fiber genaration as composite material with different matrix substrate materials (that is the material contenitor for the fibers) and small graphite cubic crystals. A composite material that could changes the future for sure, as saw Crivelli Visconti, it will be the composite ceramic material, a fantastic field of application that matches together high working temperatures, chimic resistence infinite and with competitive mechanical caracteristics.
About carbon fiber tools, in the video is explained several concept about 3D printing and the difference between FDM and Polyjet. Some discussion about the use of 3D printing in industrial contest and some example applications concluded the discussion, in particular how to use the 3D printing as basic shape to model the object with the wanted material, for example carbon fiber.

In the speech Robotic: Bigdata and Artificial Intelligence, the speaker shows how to, with a simple algorithm of machine learning, a robobotic arm can elaborate a strategy to identify or to practice complex operations in the real world, even in collaborative mode. The software recognize step by step, before from a particular in several pictures and then from a complex image in a more in-depth pictures, faces or manufacturing production issues, and it makes decisions on what to do to complete a reaction in the manufacturing process.

The arguments (perhaps the most interesting than all) were presented on 3th Day, that is the Digital Manufacturing made by Solidworks and Autodesk with generative mesh methods.
In the video Digital Production: Topological Optimization for the 3D Printing and Assembly Process splitted into three parts, they talk about the Poppy Project, a robotic open source experience that has been taken as the basis for a remodeling project.

In practice, each component has been redesigned using a work planning platform; with tasks, competencies and assigning results to be delivered. They have been assigned the work-load for each assembled part, they have been defined the equipments and methods to made a complete assembly project, in accurate and fast way.

Throughout this, Solidworks has made its part; both for MEMS analisis and evaluating the results of structural and functional rejections, from the point of view of generation, assigning in three phases. The size to be treated, then a possible conditional solution by applying moments and forces to the mechanical parts that was modifying, until it have been applied aesthetics modifications to the pieces, giving the possibility of adding solid areas where the early reduction operation had created structures with the above constraints without taking into account the conformance of template when the object would gone in print, with step by step validations and conformance to made every piece comforme to each step.

What appears to be obvious is that it's possible to obtain almost a result of weight reduction and structural tightness without great effort, just only by made of constrained projects to the physics of ideal production components.
All this without the designer's final intervention, to which the aesthetic part is relegated because not yet fully achieved by the software, that is most concentrated on the structural and functional calculations.

Another kind of approach comes from Autodesk, in this case it starts from the constraints (given by the forces applied) to generate the best mesh possible, as calculated by the software. The interesting thing of Fusion360 is the point of view of self-production; since the Autodesk licenses are on memo, it can be used as long as you need (even only one month) in commercial. Instead, for hobby use, you can simply ends the trial period an then upgrade up to an year, without lose the support of Autodesk's cloud, because this service is always included with the tool. After a predetermined time, the program will ask you to synchronize your projects on cloud, to keep your changes safe even if a data loss may occurs locally on your computer.

At same time, a project can be downloaded locally whenever you want without any problem, to print parts or to modify it according to your needs. All this is accompanied by the endless endowment of parts, that the producers (ex. Igus) add in 3D format at Autodesk's library with same dimensions, just as they are design in production. One way this to never fail the measurements of a part that maybe will be mounted on a component that will be bought separately. A complete integration, in short, ensures quick design and modeling times and consistent results with what you want to accomplish.

Finally, we end up with Augmented Reality. In the video Use of Mixed Reality on Microsoft Hololens, the speaker presents its startap with headquarters in Ferrara, the Rimar Group.
They are specialized on the staff training with development of a platform that allows everyone to made an interactive interface in this way. It's only necessary to take a picture of an object and after that, to add some infographics on the same picture to made an interactive support, readily available when you see the same object with Micorsoft Hololens. In this way, the operator may be assisted in an interactive and simple way, without problem in his daily tasks.

At this point, we leave you to these mash-ups made to recap all manufacturers in the 3D printing.

If you have any question, please leave a comment below.
Thanks for reading.

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